Football for Equality

Football Zajedno - A successful project continues!

Football Zajedno - A successful project continues!

Over the last four years Football Zajedno developed a series of activities and partnerships which made the project with its unique collaboration a good practice example of the UEFA Football and Social Responsibility Program. We are eagerly looking forward to implementing the activities of the new project period.

UEFA Grassroots Week September 2020

Meeting with Draško Braunović with the fairplay Initiative at the VIDC (Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation)

Meeting with the Bosnian Football Association, IZI and the fairplay Initiative

(See BCS version below.)

During the current pandemic situation and period of isolation, quarantine, distance, masks, online meetings and home offices, we enjoy reminiscing about previous years of our joint project Football Zajedno with the Football Associations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and important local partners.


Over the last years thousands of girls and boys participated in our newly installed fairplay-workshops, tournaments, the innovative mini-van tour and girls football festival. For coaches, teachers, youth workers and with partner NGOs we organised training seminars, round tables and a big networking conference. In this whole period, we have gained many friends, new partners and workshop facilitators, which enriched the team of Football Zajedno. We are proud that UEFA highlighted Football Zajedno as a good practice example of Football and Social Responsibility and in the series of successful projects of the UEFA HatTrick IV programme.

In the last month in close cooperation with the main partners, the Football Associations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and the new established sport NGO IZI (Igramo Zajedno Initiaiva – Play Together Initiative) we developed new ideas and activities and were looking forward for their implementation. Unfortunately, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are highly affecting our work programme at the moment and we are entering the new period with a slightly smaller team, as the Football Association of Serbia for this season cannot be part due to the pandemic situation.

The way forward

In our new project, the activities will cover our main social topics of Diversity and Social Inclusion, Peace and Reconciliation and Human Rights in and through football. We will further develop the exchange and collaboration of Football Stakeholders and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and build up an innovative network in this field.

Our focus will remain on promoting equality, non-discrimination, inclusion of disadvantaged groups and empowerment of women and girls. The project will also keep successful measures of the past and round them up with new content and new target groups, e.g. in the fariplay Academy or the Football Zajedno Camp. With our start-up pool we can provide support to interested grassroots football clubs and initiatives. The four new modules (Training the Skills, Playing on the field, Going Public and Online Tools) were elaborated in online and physical meetings to the general secretaries and grassroots managers of involved Football Associations and our local partners.

Focus on online tools

Luckily it was possible to already work for at least a short time on the field. In September 2020, following the invitation of the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, we were part of the UEFA grassroots week and organised fariplay stations in six cities (Sokolac, Mostar, Zenica, Rudo, Orasje, Banja Luka) in which, in compliance with all prescribed COVID-19 measures, over 600 boys and girls participated. In Zenica and Mostar, due to great interest, our team held the programme even two times.

But for now, our focus shifts to the development of online tools and an e-learning platform, where we want to provide useful information and methods to our target groups and keep our partners connected.

The hope remains that we will be able to return to the field with the arrival of spring 2021!


David Hudelist, project manager, VIDC-fairplay,
Benjamnin Dragolj, local coordinator, IZI (Igramo Zajedno Initiativa),


Article in BCS

Fudbal Zajedno - uspješan projekat se nastavlja!

Tokom posljednje četiri godine Football Zajedno razvio je niz aktivnosti i partnerstava, što je jedinstvenom saradnjom projekat učinilo primjerom dobre prakse UEFA-inog programa za fudbal i društvenu odgovornost.

Trenutna pandemija i period izolacije, karantina, maski,distance, internetskih sastanaka i kućnih ureda, rado se sjetimo prethodnih godina našeg zajedničkog projekta “Football Zajedno” sa Fudbalskim savezima Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore i Srbije i važnim lokalni partnerima.


U posljednjih nekoliko godina hiljade djevojaka i dječaka prošlo je kroz naše novo instalirane fairplay-radionice, turnire, inovativnu mini-van tour turneju i festival ženskog nogometa. Za trenere, nastavnike i omladinske radnike zajedno sa partnerskim nevladinim organizacijama organizirali smo seminare, okrugle stolove i veliku konferenciju o umrežavanju. U cijelom ovom periodu stekli smo mnogo prijatelja, novih partnera i voditelja radionica, što je obogatilo “Football Zajedno” tim. Ponosni smo što je UEFA istakla “Football Zajedno” kao primjer dobre prakse fudbala i društvene odgovornosti u nizu uspješnih projekata HatTrick IV programa.

U posljednjih mjesec dana u bliskoj saradnji sa glavnim partnerima, Fudbalskim savezima Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije i Crne Gore i novoosnovanom sportskom nevladinom organizacijom IZI (Igramo Zajedno Inicijativa – Play Together Initative) razvili smo nove ideje, aktivnosti i radujemo se njihovoj implemetaciji . Nažalost, posljedice pandemije COVID-19 trenutno jako utječu na naš program rada i u novo razdoblje ulazimo s nešto manjim timom, jer Nogometni savez Srbije za ovu sezonu ne može biti dio zbog pandemijske situacije.

Put naprijed

U našem novom projektu aktivnosti će pokrivati glavne društvene teme; različitosti i socijalne uključenosti, mir i pomirenje i ljudska prava u fudbalu i kroz njega. Želimo dalje razvijati razmjenu i suradnju nogometnih zainteresovanih grupa i organizacija civilnog društva (OCD) i izgraditi inovativnu mrežu na ovom polju.

Naš fokus će ostati na promicanju jednakosti, nediskriminacije, uključivanju grupa u nepovoljnom položaju i osnaživanju žena i djevojaka, projekt će zadržati uspješne mjere iz prošlosti i zaokružiti ih novim sadržajem i novim ciljnim skupinama, npr. u fariplay akademiji ili “Football Zajedno” kampu. Pomoću našeg start up programa možemo pružiti podršku zainteresiranim nogometnim klubovima i inicijativama. Četiri nova modula (Training the Skils, Playing on the field, Going Public and Online Tools) predstavljeni su na online i fizičkim sastancima generalnim sekretarima i rukovodiocima lokalnih fudbalskih saveza i našim lokalnim partnerima.

Fokus na mrežne alate

Srećom već je bilo moguće raditi na terenu. U septembru 2020. godine, na poziv Fudbalskog saveza Bosne i Hercegovine, bili smo dio UEFA-Grassroots sedmice i organizirali smo fariplay stanice u šest gradova (Sokolac, Mostar, Zenica, Rudo, Orašje, Banja Luka) u kojima je, sukladno uz sve propisane mjere COVID-a, učestvovalo preko 600 dječaka i djevojčica. U Zenici i Mostaru, zbog velikog interesovanja, naš tim morao je održati program dva puta.

Za sada se naš fokus preusmjerava na razvoj mrežnih alata i platforme za e-učenje, gdje želimo pružiti korisne informacije i metode našim ciljnim grupama i održati povezanost naših partnera.

Ostaje nada da ćemo se moći vratiti na teren dolaskom proljeća 2021. godine.