Football for Equality

National Networking Meeting – Sport Welcomes Refugees

National Networking Meeting – Sport Welcomes Refugees

On Thursday, 28th September 2017, the fairplay Initiative invited organised sport and grassroots initiatives to the National Networking Meeting in the Allianz Stadium as part of the "Sport Welcomes Refugees” project.

The aim of the meeting was, on the one hand, to connect different sport Initiatives that work with migrants and refugees and showing good practice examples. On the other hand, organised sport had the opportunity to present their own projects and to exchange with the informal initiatives.

A total of 23 organisations from organised sport and grassroots initiatives participated. The evening started with a playful introduction on the micro soccer court, which the fairplay team set up in the VIP area of the Allianz Stadium.

Subsequently, the stadium guide gave the 36 participants an extraordinary insight into the world of professional football. Beside the Lounge Area, the press area and the prayer room, the SK Rapid Wien player’s cabin and the field could be visited. He also gave information about the history and the social engagement of SK Rapid Wien. A group photo on the lawn could also not be missing.

Back to the Lounge, Kurt Wachter and David Hudelist opened the official part of the evening with introductory words. After that, each organisation had the opportunity to present their activities in a short presentation.

Afterwards, the cross-linking session reached its pleasant conclusion with snacks and beverages. The fairplay Initiative wants to thank all participants for the really informative and successful evening!

The PowerPoint presentation as well as the photos can be downloaded under the following Links.