Football for Equality

To Sochi for rights!

To Sochi for rights!

An appeal for human rights from our Italian partner organisation UISP to public opinion, institutions and governing bodies

Big sport events have to be a good occasion for healthy sport, competitions, but also for the promotion and affirmation of rights, for athletes, citizens, men and women of the countries that organize and participate in the Games.

Big Sport events can be a great opportunity to spread a culture of Rights: the Olympic Games, the World Cup and other big events provide a great space to create more and more international visibility and offer an important space for civil society monitoring action to make more sustainable social and environmental impact in the countries that host them.

This is the appeal that UISP want to launch

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We must do our part to ensure a positive social impact in favour of people who will see on their territories the implementation of big sport events events. A good example was that of the Southern African and international civil society action, including UISP, that on the occasion of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa launched a campaign to combat the phenomenon of human trafficking - women and children in particular- for the exploitation of prostitution.

A phenomenon, that unfortunately often continues to accompany big events are social, political and economical inequalities.  The year ahead, 2014, is characterized by several big sport events, the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi and the Football World Cup in Brazil, events that rise to an incredible social and environmental impact in these countries.

Uisp wants to raise its voice in occasion of these big sport moments, to demand that all institutions use the opportunity to put human Rights at the heart of the diplomatic attention.

This is why we say "To Sochi For Rights!" to ask Russia to remove discriminatory policies. In particular, we ask that LGBT rights are recognized, overcoming homophobic and discriminatory laws against homosexuals. We believe in some important diplomatic choices as that of the President of the United States of America sending at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, Billy Jane King known lesbian great former athlete, who has always been committed to the recognition of the rights of LGBT community. We believe that Italy also should express a diplomatic sign focused on the issue of rights. This should be an opportunity to re-launch a joint initiative in our country for the recognition of the rights of homosexual people. The Olympic Games in Sochi, as well as all the big events, must be an occasion to overcome all policies that discriminate women, homosexuals, people with disabilities, immigrants, people of different political and religious orientation.

About UISP (Unione Italiane Spor Per Tutti)

Uisp, one of the largest European sports and historical association, has always been committed on the front of Rights and Equal Opportunities, against all forms of discrimination, violence and racism. Every day in the streets, in sports, in our work we put at the centre of our actions the individual, his specificity and uniqueness.

The history of Uisp is characterized by many actions, projects, documents that have contributed to achieve Equal Opportunities in sport and not only, to fight discrimination and violence, to spread a sport with a friendly, sustainable and careful respect of all diversities.

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