1. Supporters Charter and Self-policing of Fans
Supporters Charter
To elaborate and further establish the concept of the so-called Supporters Charter, a joint agreement between clubs/FAs and their fans developing each others rights and obligations in a negotiation/mediation process as a major tool for the establishment of a social dialogue with the overall objective of preventing anti-social fans’ behaviour. A first step is the elaboration of a European Supporters Charter Handbook in consultation of football governing bodies in Europe such as UEFA and the European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL), national associations and leagues, the world players’ union FIFPro and fans’ representatives in Europe.
SpeakUP! Fans’ Events
The aim of this series of events is to introduce and to promote the idea of fans’ self-policing in the sense of self-regulation and fans’ self management and to increase the capacity of football scenes to regulate violent and racist behaviour of their members responsibly on the basis of peer pressure and the motto “Speak UP!”.
2. Connecting Fan Projects across Europe
Social preventive fan coaching is a sustainable method of working directly with fans. This approach meets young people in their living environment and encourages self-esteem and self-assurance and their role in their clubs and the society at large. These social investments in young people are the very basis for preventing violent behaviours and racist and xenophobic orientations.Social preventive measures engage football fans in social educative activities and have a long-term perspective. This module is taking the approach of social preventive fan coaching as a method for grass-root oriented supporter projects across Europe.
Based on the Good Practice developed by the highly successful German and Swiss “fan projects” the module aims at:
- In-depth exchange of information, knowledge, skills and experience in so called study visits
- Transfer of Good Practice from experienced, long-standing fan projects to evolving and new fan projects in EU countries without established fan coaching structures
- Developing a network of social preventive fan projects in Central and Eastern Europe
- Developing a criteria catalogue for establishing social preventive fan coaching across Europe
3. Round Table Meetings on a National Level
In order to foster the exchange of good practice and the partnership of relevant stakeholders three round table meetings on the prevention of violence and intolerance will be organised in Austria, Ireland and UK/Northern Ireland.
Relevant stakeholders will include football supporters and organised fans, football governing bodies (professional clubs, national league, national FA), the players union, the ministry for interior and or the police, ethnic minorities and migrant groups.
4. European Seminar - Promoting Non-violent and Inclusive Fan and Football Cultures
To round the pro supporters project up a two-day European Seminar and a Round Table will be hosted in Vienna by FairPlay-VIDC on 3-4 June 2013 to look at lessons learned, evaluate the outcomes of the project and devise a follow-up of the project. The seminar aims at connecting high level representatives of football governing bodies (UEFA, EPFL, FIFPro, European Commission and the Council of Europe) together with the fan representatives, fan project initiatives and anti-discrimination campaigners linked to the FARE network
5. Creative Anti-racism Youth Initiatives during the FARE Action Weeks
The previous 12 editions of the annual FARE Action Weeks against Racism and Discrimination have proved to be highly successful anti-discrimination interventions aimed at fighting racism in European football stadiums. This module aims to develop innovative and creative methods to reach out to young football fans in the age group between 12 and 18 to raise awareness on problems associated with racism and related intolerances in football.